Well I have not been on my birding blog in awhile. The long weekend of the 24th through to the 27th was absolutely brilliant for some atlassing although we experienced some intermittent wind and rain over the course of our explorations. It was great to see mixed flocks of Swallows with Barn, Wire-tailed and Lesser Striped perched on this telephone line outside Bonamanzi on the way to Hluhluwe. At times we have species richness with mixed Flocks of Grey-rumped, Barn, Lesser Striped, Red-breasted and Wire-tailed Swallows at roost or foraging together.
We did several new pentads and I will be adding those to my next posting. One thing we did notice was the absolute change in early calls and the muted dawn chorus. Winters grip is tightening and even the Purple-crested Tauraco's have changed their call to the more rapid bubbling winter call now. Winter is certainly being felt up in the Maputaland region.